Tuesday, 17 February 2015

So That's What 5,000 points of The End Times Undead Looks Like.

Today I got a parcel from Triple Helix Wargames containing the last few boxes of my Undead Army for Warhammer Fantasy. I had started collecting Vampire Counts with the release of the 7th Edition army book, gathering around 1000 points. These then got nudged down the pecking order in favour of High Elves and 40k then put aside altogether thanks to University.

Then came The End Times, which sparked interest in Warhammer Fantasy again. With them came the rather imposing Nagash model and with that my soul was sold to the Lord of the Undead once more. I've managed to collect all 4 End Times books so far, only for Thanquol to ruin my run of Hard backs. I'm really hoping that I can get back on track with Book 5, which should be released in the coming weeks.

So, back on target. What does 5,000 points of Undead look like? Click and find out :)

Firstly, lets have a look at the list. I like to work to lists, but usually they are built around things that I deem to be shiny rather than effective. In this case, I found Nagash and the Mortarchs to be shiny, so all is good with that regard.



Mortarch (Arkhan, Mannfred or Neferata, I haven't decided yet. I may buy another two and have all three to rotate)


Vampire - Level 2 Wizard, Armour of Fortune, Dark Acolyte, Talisman of Protection and Shield.

Necromancer - Level 2 Wizard, Corpse Cart, Master of the Dead and Channelling Staff.

Wight King - Shield and Sword of Swift Slaying.


40 Ghouls

50 Skeletons (Vampire Counts) - Spears, Command and Banner of Eternal Flame (because I had points left and I find it amusing that Skeletons will cause flaming attacks).

50 Skeletons (Vampire Counts) - Spears and Command.

10 Skeleton Archers

10 Skeleton Archers

10 Skeleton Archers

10 Dire Wolves

10 Dire Wolves

20 Zombies


40 Grave Guard - Great Weapons, Command and Banner of the Barrows.

5 Hexwraiths

10 Black Knights - Command, Barding and Lances


4 Cairn Wraiths

Mortis Engine

So now we know what is on the list, lets have a look how it actually looks.

Here is the stuff that turned up today:

4 Boxes of Skeletons (You need 3 boxes of VC Skeletons for every 2 of the Tomb Kings boxes so I decided to go with a mix that I think comes to about 2:1 in favour of Tomb Kings), 4 boxes of Grave Guard, 2 boxes of Zombies (only 20 on the list, but every undead player needs extra zombies) and a box of Hexwraiths.

Add to that the other stuff that I still have boxed:

Then the stuff that is currently WIP (Mortis Engine, Corpse Cart (damn I hate that kit. Horrible, horrible kit) and Spirit Hosts that are actually unit fillers for Skeleton units).

That's about 4,000 points there, plus spare skeletons and zombies. Add in the painted stuff and we hit the full 5,000 points.

The painted stuff currently comes to the following total - 36 Skeletons, 3 Spirit Hosts (really another 12 Skeletons), 20 Ghouls, 10 Dire Wolves, 4 Wraiths, Wight King and Vampire.

So that's that. 5,000 points. All together. Slightly terrifying.

My target is to get 1,500 more points of it finished this year amongst other projects. 

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