Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Unboxing The Nurse by Third Man Studio

It's always exciting to get miniatures in the post, especially when you had forgotten you'd ordered them!

Today we have an unboxing of 'The Nurse' by Third Man Studio. This is a 54mm resin miniature from their upcoming game Asylum: the Alderney case created by Edouard Guiton (Kickstarter coming soon!). The game series will be hard plastic but they are doing a limited edition pre series in resin. The Nurse is sculpted by Alexandre Argorn Marks whose impressive resume includes work for Rackham, Games Workshop and Privateer Press amongst others.

First impressions are very good, a high quality box with a beautiful paint job on the front (There are two versions of the box art, one painted by Martin Grandbarbe and one by Ben Komets. My copy is the Martin Grandbarbe edition)

Opening her up you are greeted by a little art card with your issue number as well as a signature from the creator.

Hidden under the foam we find the miniature itself! It is very well packaged and I had no issues with damage at all. The miniature comes in 14 pieces plus the base and is described as a 'miniature for expert hobbyists with a lot of parts, which could be complex for novices.' I would agree that perhaps it is not good for novices, there are some fine parts that could be easily broken and it may require some light gap filling. It does have some tricky assembly, most of it is fine but the tubes around the head were very, very tricky to put together. Tweezers and much patience was needed!

The casting quality is absolutely superb, minimal flash and absolutely no quality issues at all in the parts. Here is a photo showing the front of the body so you can see the detail that has been captured, I'm sure you will agree it is stunning!

And here she is assembled! Not sure when I will get to put paint to the model but you can be sure it will be shared here.

If you are interested in purchasing The Nurse she is still available for $40 including shipping from http://www.edouardguitonasylum.com/shop/she-is-the-nurse


  1. Absolutely gorgeous sculpt! Thanks for sharing! Hurry up and paint :)

  2. There is a KS running by the way !
