Thursday, 17 December 2015

Egg Cup Challenge Part 2.

Image result for Egg Cup

Last week I left off with Just a shell of a model (sorry could not help it) also with a dilemma of what I would do with Hot tub and how I was told I should not use this.

And to solve the problem my Wife had some contribution to this project and made this.

Ok, this may not look much at the moment, and you may not see how this will work but keep with me.

Nothing says Hot tub better than a 1980's wooden one!!

I forgot to take a picture of the painted Minion but if I did this post would be massive so here it is where it will sit on the model.

I have never used water effect before and something I have learnt is wow it takes a long time to dry and when you use it in large amounts it takes even longer!!!

While this took almost a week to dry!!! I got to work on some finishing touches that I wanted to add to the model. 

 Most of you might be thinking, Wow his sculpting Skills are amazing! (Two funnies in one post I know)

Now that the water was dry and the Finishing touches was done was time to finish it off.

And here is the finished model.

The Meet was fun we had a quiz i came last with 4 out of 25 and the Egg Cup Challenge was great as well with a lot of great models here are the models entered as well as my minion.

An egg from Alien done By Notsoslimshady.

And the Winners Where.

 Who killed Humpty Dumpty. 

Royal Navy sea Scout Blimp.

Some sort of space ship.

It was a great way to end the year with the club and looking forward to next year and the shows we will be attending. 



  1. What an awesome competition. Must be one of the funniest ones I've seen this far and with so many really fun entries.

  2. Great stuff, very creative :)

    I've not used water effects myself, but I'm told lots of little layers is the way to go with it, giving each layer time to dry. That way you don't get a huge drying time and also reduces the chance of a cloudy bit (that you aren't after) somewhere in the middle.

  3. The minion is Fantastic!! And what a funny competition!
